There are about a dozen web sites that I visit every day. (The 34 hour span that I recently spent unconnected was seriously painful. I admit, I have a problem.) One of the places I go is The Bradlands. He doesn’t update as often as some of us do, but that’s okay. He makes up for it in public pouncing. There is supposed to be a big brew-ha-ha a’brewing at his blog, but it hasn’t materialized yet. Most of the free world is on pins and needles. I know that I’ve been waiting for months now. Regardless, every now and then I read the about page at one of my favorite sites. The BradLands has a Vision Statement that contains the line:

“a little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down the pants”

If that’s not enough to get you to visit him well then I don’t know what is.