I’ve known a certain duck for several months now. I don’t think even one time has she said anything less than completely negative about her design skills. I have seen three different incarnations of her site, and each one has been tremendously better than the last. The current version is excellent. It is better than excellent. It is duckcellent.

I, on the other hand, have yet to redesign even once since I started blogging. Yeah, I changed the colors a few times. Yeah, I moved the sidebar from the left to the right. Otherwise, though, it’s just been plain old davidgagne.net. Maybe it’s time for me to try and shake things up around here. Cha.

Note to bloggers: A few weeks ago I removed my stats4all link. I did it so that my page would load a bit faster and it worked. The other benefit is that I no longer find myself tied to discovering how exciting I may or may not be to other bloggers. It’s pretty liberating. I don’t have anything against stats4all – I think it’s a great service. I still have a counter on my Hemingway site. I just don’t pay attention to my hit count here. I figure that there’s a few of you who like to read what I have to say and you usually tell me when you read something nifty here anyway. Get to the point, Dave! I don’t think I have a point. Call me Oblio. Do tell me if you’ve ever heard The Point by Nilsson. As much of a hard rocker I am at heart, The Point and Barry Manilow‘s Greatest Hits Volume I are probably the two CDs I’ve listened to the most in the last two years. I redeem myself of those two sins with heavy doses of Pearl Jam, sublime, Foo Fighters, Van Halen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Less Than Jake.