The Airwalk site is pretty cool. I couldn’t find my new pair there (heh heh, “pair there”). This is the part I don’t get: WHY CAN I NOT BUY SHOES THERE?!? Damn, there are so many things I would BUY if some corporate fcuks would GET A CLUE and SELL ON-LINE!

Why can I not buy shoes there?!

Am I the only one that gets aggravated when I find something that I want to buy and the company thinks it is very helpful by telling me what STORE I can visit to buy it?! What the hell?! Look, if I go to your website it’s for one of two reasons:

  1. your product is broken or I can’t get it to work (and for the love of beer you better have a faq or something that tells me how to fix it) or

Do you really think I am cruising the ‘net looking for a picture of how cool your product is? Duh! I know it’s cool and I WANT ONE or else I wouldn’t be going to your site in the first place! Aaaarrrggghhhh!
Although, to be fair, sometimes I go to your site because I am considering buying your product. But if that’s the case then don’t you want to LET ME BUY IT while I’m there?! That would be a huge checkmark in the “Yes, I think I will buy this” column, dontcha think?!?!