Jeez. I honestly can’t believe how many people are quitting blogging these days / this weekend… I can’t imagine this ever being so important to me that I’d quit… I can see myself no longer being interested, or thinking it’s not so much fun anymore, or just forgetting about it (Remind me to tell you about the girlfriend I forgot once!), but to quit seems to imply actively ceasing to blog. To intentionally stop blogging seems pretty ludicrous to me. I know my millions of readers would agonize, but I hardly think… well… nevermind. You don’t care what I think. That’s fair. Hell, I don’t even care what I think. I shouldn’t even mention any of this because I haven’t been following the whole soap opera in bloggerville about quitting and stealing and whatever else it is about which everyone was (is?) arguing.
…had to do some tricky thinking there to avoid ending a sentence with a preposition! ouch! now my head hurts from all that thought. must be time for bed…