The Rapid Systems Corporation‘s DSL page notes that they have Free Virus Scanning and Intrusion Detection included Free! I think that it would be annoying if I had to pay for a Free (always capitalized!) service, don’t you? Does anyone in DSL-world believe in proof-reading? The site says that I can get a “dedicated IP address assigned to you”. I think someone, somewhere would be upset if I had a dedicated IP address that had been assigned to someone else! At the bottom of the page there is a form that I can submit so they can tell me if service is available for my area. The form is titled: Do your line qualify for aDSL?

We’ll ignore the fact that all these companies are supplying ISP service for GTE. The GTE web site has a handy little form that tells me immediately that I very much can get DSL on my line. GTE was recently bought by Verizon so there are all sorts of fun and confusing things happening at the GTE web site.

Note: If you don’t type the www you can’t get to the GTE page. Who set up their web server?! You can even get to without the www …