Happy birthday Aunt Audre!
Happy birthday Jason!

If anyone is still working on birthday presents for *me* … I could really use a new belt. I basically have only one good belt, and it’s black, so it doesn’t – y’know – look good with brown. Am I making sense? Probably not. The thing is, see, I really want a pair of brown 8-eyelet Docs and I don’t have a good excuse because all I have is black ones now. I also seem to have run out of notches in my belt. This is not because my gut is … <warning! my only internet joke is coming!> … eNormous, though. The belt is the same one I wore to my high school graduation I think. (Or maybe I got it my first year of college. Whatever. That’s not really the point.) So, to sum up: I want a new belt. I have no notches. Is this clear?

[David Gagne reserves the right to make or not make sense on his own blog with no regard to anyone else’s happiness.]