As part of the cathartic enterprise that is rearranging my new office, I am tossing my copy of the Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice. I really can’t remember when I got it, although I assume it had something to do with the insane period of my life when I was a member of the Father Lopez “Model United Nations” club. Sick. I was sick, I tell ya. What the hell was I thinking?

On the other hand, Jorge and I were most definitely the coolest delegates wherever we went. I remember the great time we had when I got to be the representative from Djibouti. Then there was the time that Jorge wasn’t prepared for his speech and I handed him little slips of paper with what to say. The assembly thought it was hysterical when he mispronounced “heinous” and said, “We reject the anus actions of Israel!”