I suppose I should mention that I got the least lamest voice mail last week. I meant to mention it earlier, but I have been busy with <ominous voice of the Emperor in Return of the Jedi right before he’s about to totally freak out on Luke’s ass>a great … many … things</ominous voice of the Emperor in Return of the Jedi right before he’s about to totally freak out on Luke’s ass> Really, Matt, it was excellent. You’ll have to call back when you have some Barry Manilow handy, though.

In case you’re wondering, the lamest voice mail I ever received was my first one. I called myself to check and see that it worked okay and that my outgoing message completely conveyed how farking cool I am. Unfortunately I lost track of why I was calling myself and ended up leaving a long message that only I would understand. The really nifty part is how excited I was when I listened to the message a few days later and was happy to hear all the great things I had said to myself about myself.