Facts about David Vincent Gagne

Many people visit this site, I’m assuming, and never even realize that by clicking on the menu bar above they can find out even more useless information about me.

  • Did you know that I used to run Track for a bit in high school?
  • That I used to row crew for the University of Florida?
  • That I actually really enjoy 19th century literature?
  • That I run a mailing list dedicated to news about Gator football?
  • That I used to write essays on strange topics?
  • That I have been whitewater rafting in Maine?
  • That I always chew two sticks of gum at once?
  • That I often eat an entire box of Pasta-Roni Lemon Butter Angel Hair Pasta for breakfast?
  • That I have gone snowboarding multiple times in Vail?
  • That I have been to the Hard Rock Cafe in London, Miami, Boston, Hollywood, New Orleans, and Orlando? (Okay, granted you couldn’t find that out by reading my old web pages, but I think it’s nifty.)
  • That one time I severely burned my arm in a vat of 425 degree peanut oil? (Okay, you couldn’t find that one either.)
  • That I spent what seemed like the whole long years of high school madly in love with a girl named Michelle? (Okay, now I’m just listing silly facts.)
  • That I used to work on a loading dock hauling freight for 10 hours/day?
  • That I once worked in a sports bar as a prep cook?
  • That I spent a spring break selling Hawaiian Tropic on the beach?
  • That I grew up in Daytona Beach?
  • That Jorge used to own a bright shiny blue car that we drove through many lawns?
  • That I smoked from the age of 15 until I was 22?
  • That my grandfather fought with Merrill’s Marauders in China, Burma, and India?
  • That I can positively wail on a harmonica?
  • That I once caught 14 mackeral deep-sea fishing off the coast of New England?
  • That I once had sex under the bleachers in the gym during a high school basketball game?
  • That I have never had acne?
  • That I am a huge Boston Red Sox fan?
  • That I got drunk the night before my SAT because I honestly didn’t know how important it was?
  • That I once dated a lifegaurd named Hope who broke up with me after one week because I was afraid to kiss her?
  • That I often shave my head for no reason whatsoever?
  • That I once passed out on a pool table at the Purple Porpoise?
  • That I once took a leak standing in the middle of Bourbon Street?
  • That my uncle was the cop with no speaking lines who accompanied the female cop who pretended to arrest Tom Cruise in Days of Thunder?
  • That I can barbeque anything?
  • That I hate black beans and rice?
  • That I like to eat beef jerky?
  • That I used to consider myself an actor?
  • That I used to consider myself a writer?
  • That I was once paralyzed (literally) by a rare African virus for two days?
  • That I eat the popcorn kernels even though I know I shouldn’t?
  • That I was a National Merit Scholar?
  • That I maniacally collect really good pens?
  • That I am fanatical about organizing my t-shirts?

I thought you didn’t.

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What Is This?

davidgagne.net is the personal weblog of me, David Vincent Gagne. I've been publishing here since 1999, which makes this one of the oldest continuously-updated websites on the Internet.


A few years ago I was trying to determine what cocktails I could make with the alcohol I had at home. I searched the App Store but couldn't find an app that would let me do that, so I built one.


You can read dozens of essays and articles and find hundreds of links to other sites with stories and information about Ernest Hemingway in The Hemingway Collection.