Many people visit this site, I’m assuming, and never even realize that by clicking on the menu bar above they can find out even more useless information about me.

  • Did you know that I used to run Track for a bit in high school?
  • That I used to row crew for the University of Florida?
  • That I actually really enjoy 19th century literature?
  • That I run a mailing list dedicated to news about Gator football?
  • That I used to write essays on strange topics?
  • That I have been whitewater rafting in Maine?
  • That I always chew two sticks of gum at once?
  • That I often eat an entire box of Pasta-Roni Lemon Butter Angel Hair Pasta for breakfast?
  • That I have gone snowboarding multiple times in Vail?
  • That I have been to the Hard Rock Cafe in London, Miami, Boston, Hollywood, New Orleans, and Orlando? (Okay, granted you couldn’t find that out by reading my old web pages, but I think it’s nifty.)
  • That one time I severely burned my arm in a vat of 425 degree peanut oil? (Okay, you couldn’t find that one either.)
  • That I spent what seemed like the whole long years of high school madly in love with a girl named Michelle? (Okay, now I’m just listing silly facts.)
  • That I used to work on a loading dock hauling freight for 10 hours/day?
  • That I once worked in a sports bar as a prep cook?
  • That I spent a spring break selling Hawaiian Tropic on the beach?
  • That I grew up in Daytona Beach?
  • That Jorge used to own a bright shiny blue car that we drove through many lawns?
  • That I smoked from the age of 15 until I was 22?
  • That my grandfather fought with Merrill’s Marauders in China, Burma, and India?
  • That I can positively wail on a harmonica?
  • That I once caught 14 mackeral deep-sea fishing off the coast of New England?
  • That I once had sex under the bleachers in the gym during a high school basketball game?
  • That I have never had acne?
  • That I am a huge Boston Red Sox fan?
  • That I got drunk the night before my SAT because I honestly didn’t know how important it was?
  • That I once dated a lifegaurd named Hope who broke up with me after one week because I was afraid to kiss her?
  • That I often shave my head for no reason whatsoever?
  • That I once passed out on a pool table at the Purple Porpoise?
  • That I once took a leak standing in the middle of Bourbon Street?
  • That my uncle was the cop with no speaking lines who accompanied the female cop who pretended to arrest Tom Cruise in Days of Thunder?
  • That I can barbeque anything?
  • That I hate black beans and rice?
  • That I like to eat beef jerky?
  • That I used to consider myself an actor?
  • That I used to consider myself a writer?
  • That I was once paralyzed (literally) by a rare African virus for two days?
  • That I eat the popcorn kernels even though I know I shouldn’t?
  • That I was a National Merit Scholar?
  • That I maniacally collect really good pens?
  • That I am fanatical about organizing my t-shirts?

I thought you didn’t.