The previous post got me thinking about all the continuing hullabaloo about content. Continuing? Yeah. Continuing as in, the same thing people were debating 300 years ago. I took entire classes in college about content and what it is and where it originates and why it’s good or bad. What I learned was that nobody can really say. I decided a long time ago that everything is content. Some of this content we consider art and some of it (like mine!) we consider pointless crap. But the thing is, even the pointless crap is content to someone.

I don’t even know if I want to get into this conversation here, because it isn’t going to get anywhere. The thing … the thing … I’m always talking about the thing it seems … the thing is … Okay. Look. I don’t know if I can say this in a way that anyone is going to get besides me, but I’ll give it a shot.

There is a community of people right now who are pouring the excrement in their heads onto blogs and I love them.

There are some people – Paul McCartney is a good example, Eddie Vedder is another – who do things, who do LOUD things, because they can’t not do them. Paul could buy and sell all of England if he felt like it, but he is still writing music and producing albums and being the world’s greatest entertainer. Why? I think it’s because there are some people who just can’t keep it all in their heads. More often than not I think that the stuff they can’t keep in their heads is the stuff that’s too beautiful to fit in one head. So you have to get it out. You have to have some release or else you feel like you’re going to explode. It’s not always happy but … to me … it’s always beautiful.

There is a community of people right now who are pouring the excrement in their heads onto blogs and I love them. I think it is gorgeous. I don’t know if there is any rhyme or reason or point or even if any of it matters, but I know I am having a ball and I hope it continues and … and … and that’s just it.

Have you read Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King? The movie was excellent but – duh! – the book was mind-blowing. The last line of the book is … no. I can’t do it. I can’t give it away. But if you get a chance, even if you don’t read the book, find a copy somewhere.

Read the last line.

Be the last line.