I’m listening to the theme song from The Sopranos on winamp right now. (“Woke Up This Morning” – by A3) If you haven’t yet — [What? Are you still trying to use Napster?!] — you should cruise over to audiogalaxy.com. It took me about ten minutes to grab a bunch of new songs. They pop up little graphs that show you just how popular the song you’re stealing downloading is. Today they’ve been pretty busy, but normally things are speedy. Another bonus: If your company is blocking access to napster you can probably still use audiogalaxy.

In other music news: I’ve restored the Song of the Moment page. Every now and then (daily? weekly? hourly?) I’ll post a new mp3 for your listening pleasure. The catch is that you can’t tell what song it is until you download it. It was a pretty popular feature here last year so I dusted it off and cleaned it a bit and there it is. No. Really. You’re welcome. Tell me what you think.

2024-01-19: Dead links in this post have been removed and/or updated.