This web site that sells gifts made from kangaroo scrotum proves that you really can find everything on the ‘net.

There are 4 comments on this post

  1. YOu are not going to believe this BUT I actually went to an antique show and bought an old water jug made from kangaroo scrotum. I had no idea what it was until AFTER I paid for it. The question is…was I screwed from someone down under??

  2. i’m sorry, did you actually say “kangaroo scrotum”?*gack*

  3. They’re not really taking advantage of the medium, though. I’d rather hoped they had a “wish list” facility, what with our daring, darling dvg’s natal day approaching and all. Ah well, Mr. Gagne. No scrotum for you this year.

  4. Ack! I certainly hope that nobody thinks that was supposed to be a birthday hint! Please, all! No kangaroo scrotum for me this year!

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