… ho hum … just playing with some css and greymatter stuff here …
okay. so here’s what I did (in case you care): in the template for each entry, there is a link to the ‘header’ template. each of my header templates has a link to my css include line. the css include line is a template too. so I added the gm ‘day’ variable to the name of the css file and created seven new css files, each with the name of the day. (ex: blog_monday.css, blog_tuesday.css) I tweaked each of these css files a bit, so every day the page will have a little different format. lame? yeah, I guess so. but I thought it was nifty at the time. now I have to decipher the rules for floating in css so I can have the sidebar boxes rearrange themselves each day as well. or is that just stupid? I don’t really think enough people ever visit that I’m going to actually lose visitors if the site’s changing every day. … hmmm … blah blah blah …