has an interesting way of keeping their costs low. They do it
“through mass production, and by putting the extensive assembly instructions and fact sheets … online, rather than mailing them to you.”
I think that’s a great idea. That way if they want to revise some part of the instructions, or add schematics or notes or ideas from people who might have experienced problems, they can allow all customers to see the new instructions without having to send recall notices or try to track exactly who owns their product. This gives a company the ability to hyperlink instructions with tons of additional information, as well as definitions and photographs. I really think all toy manufacturers should do this. It would also be great for furniture makers – Sauder and those places that make built-it-yourself desks and bookcases, etc. That way you could order that missing bolt or screw or broken piece of shelving directly from the manufacturer …
Ok, I think I watched “Better Off Dead” one too many times in high school… I saw this and immediately thought of Lane Myer’s kid brother Badger building a space shuttle in the garage!
“What’s a little boy like you doing with big boy smut like this?”