If your web site is hosted by DreamHost, you can easily add a counter to any of your pages. Just add this to the page you want tracked:

<img src="//counter.dreamhost.com/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?df=USERNAME-COUNTERNAME.dat&pad=F&ft=0&dd=E&istrip=T" alt="add some witty quip here">

Simply replace USERNAME with your DreamHost account name. Change COUNTERNAME to the name of the counter, and there you go. The COUNTERNAME parameter is why this is cool: You can have multiple counters at DreamHost without having to configure anything other than that one parameter. So on my Hemingway page, I have “hemingway” there, and on my GatorBlog I’ve used “football”. Each counter is incremented whenever the image (Note that it’s an IMG tag!) for that particular COUNTERNAME is requested. Nice.