snow fenceMy dad is a gifted photographer. He takes some of the most amazing photos I’ve ever seen. He recently acquired a digital camera and has been having a ball with it, I know. He has had several of his prints sell at art houses scattered across Rhode Island; they’re really that good.

For a while — when his printer and scanner were both working — he was making notecards from his photos and they sold well, too. We’ve been trying to find a way for him to sell some of his stuff on-line, and PrintOnClick might work. Apparently they will allow you to host images on your own site and include a link so readers can buy 8×10s (or any size you specify) of the digital file from their site. It seems like a pretty good concept, and I know there is some hassle involved in actually getting digital photos into a format (i.e. a physical, paper print) that a grandmother can hold and frame. I’m going to look into their terms and conditions, but everything appears to be quite legitimate.

My dad takes amazing photos.

I have dozens of his photos on my hard drive(s), and I know he has — literally — hundreds of them on CDs and floppies and filed and stored away at his home in Portsmouth, RI. I’m also thinking about making a blog for him to post his favorites. MovableType is certainly simple enough that I could teach him how to upload the files and write captions or something.

2024-01-20: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.