Posts from January 2002

CSS Resource

A ton of terrific type on Cascading Style Sheets at the Web Developer’s Virtual Library: Style Sheets allow you to control the rendering, e.g. fonts, colors, leading, margins, typefaces, and other aspects of style, of a Web document without compromising its structure. CSS is a simple style sheet mechanism that allows authors and readers to

New Languages

Brinkster is a free web host that supports ASP. You get 30 MB of space and no ads on your site, plus ASP 3.0 support, MS Access databases, a web-based file manager, and control of the ADO & FileSystemObject. How cool is that? There is a great article on / introduction to the syntactical differences


Cyber-Gish – not to be confused with Normal-Jish – has created a Forum for discussing blogging shtuff. You might want to pop over there and say hi.

HTML Reference

The HTML 4.0 Entities™ reference page is very handy. You† can® do° all¶ kindsº of£ nifty€ thingsŸ withÖ it¿.


The minuscule size of most nanotubes – hollow cylinders of carbon measuring only a few billionths of a meter wide – boggles the mind. Even more astounding may be that scientists can conceivably nestle these straws inside one another like Matryoshka dolls, with the inner set of tubes sliding in and out a billion times

SuperBowl XXXVI

Anyone predicting a Rams’ rout of the Patriots in Super Bowl XXXVI might want to take a quick history lesson first, starting with Week 10 of this season. On Nov. 18 in Foxboro, Mass., the Pats led the Rams 10-7 in the second quarter and had a 1st-and-goal before Antowain Smith fumbled away the football.

Send Entry

I just read on the MovableType site that Ben and Mena are getting ready to release MT version 2.0, and it will include a ‘send this entry’ feature similar to the one I’ve implemented on my blogs. So … since they are the experts, I’m not going to do any more development or write a

I’m honored to be one of the Men to Gape At over at i l l – r e p u t!

Steve Spurrier leaves Gainesville.

What Is This? is the personal weblog of me, David Vincent Gagne. I've been publishing here since 1999, which makes this one of the oldest continuously-updated websites on the Internet.

A few years ago I was trying to determine what cocktails I could make with the alcohol I had at home. I searched the App Store but couldn't find an app that would let me do that, so I built one.


You can read dozens of essays and articles and find hundreds of links to other sites with stories and information about Ernest Hemingway in The Hemingway Collection.