Do you have a favorite constellation? Mine is Orion. Prince had a song on the original Batman soundtrack called Arms of Orion that I always loved. It’s also the first constellation that I remember learning, and no matter where I’ve been in the world I’ve been able to find him. (I suppose that simply indicates me never being south of the equator at certain times in the year or something like that, but it’s a gift I hold dear. Being able to find Orion I mean. Oh, whatever.)
Kiffin has posted some great information about the stars in the heavenly fellow.
Say it with me three times now, “Betelgeuse! Betelgeuse! Betelgeuse!”
How inyeresting that you chose Orion.
When your brother Michael had to do his 8th grade science project, he chose stargazing. So we froze our asses off in January and February identifying constellations and fixed upon Orion.
Michael wrote me from boot camp in Oct 00 and told me how he looked upon Orion in the wee hours of the morning when they were doing PT, and recalling our nights of stargazing eased his homesickness.
Don’t know about resolutions, but I love this theme. It feels so…homey.