There’s a code snippet on the : support forum that details one of the many options you have if you want to make every link on your site open in a new window. I can see how this might be useful to include in a sidebar, or an include file or something, but it’s just not something I could use on any of my sites. If I did that, then every link would open in a new window – even links to archives and individual entries. That would be annoying (even to me!). It’s an interesting little bit of code, though. I might have a use for it somewhere.
I used it for my “More Links” page, which pops up in a window. The window is set to a specific size, and has no address bar or tool bar. So if you click on any link on that page only you will open in a new window. Otherwise, right click and get a window of your own if you want it. 🙂
By the way, where is the “remember me” check box?