I can’t remember where I found this link, but here are my personal AD&D statistics:
Str: 13, Int: 13, Wis: 17, Dex: 13, Con: 14, Chr: 17
I never really played AD&D but for a little while when I was an early teenager I bought a bunch of the books and created games and maps and all the additional little bits. I could never find anyone that wanted to play with me, and, to be honest, I never actually wanted to “play” the game. I was just fascinated by the design of the systems. The little foray into the world of D&D was probably what started me on the convoluted path to being a computer programmer. Am I really a “computer programmer” though? I don’t know. It’s what I do right now, but I don’t think it’s what I am, if that makes any sense.
Sure it makes sense. It’s what you do, it’s not who you are. I think we get in trouble when we let what we do define who we are. Your dad is in the trucking business, but it is not who is really is. He is a photographer, a writer, musician, a deep thinker etc……I’m still reading your blog…..sorry I missed your TV debut.
I spent years (and a good chunk of my mom’s money) playing D&D as a kid. Of course, I didn’t go into programming, but I thought then and now that it was great fun and a good mental exercise. Having any job that comes close to those two one of my absolute necessities of life.