I can’t remember where I found this link, but here are my personal AD&D statistics:
Str: 13, Int: 13, Wis: 17, Dex: 13, Con: 14, Chr: 17

I never really played AD&D but for a little while when I was an early teenager I bought a bunch of the books and created games and maps and all the additional little bits. I could never find anyone that wanted to play with me, and, to be honest, I never actually wanted to “play” the game. I was just fascinated by the design of the systems. The little foray into the world of D&D was probably what started me on the convoluted path to being a computer programmer. Am I really a “computer programmer” though? I don’t know. It’s what I do right now, but I don’t think it’s what I am, if that makes any sense.