I think I have reached nerdvana. From UnBlinking:

Greeble’s Heisenwhack Principle — What to call a self-immolating Googlewhack (one that ceases to be unique after Google spiders a site where the whack is reported)? Kudos to Ray Greeble for coining the excellent term “Heisenwhack.” He based the term loosely on the jargon entry for HeisenBUG.
Paralleling Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, clearly the observer (of a Googlewhack) alters the reality being observed (of a Googlewhack). Heisenberg himself might observe (…get it?), or perhaps Bohr would note, one benefit to web surfers: when measuring Heisenwhack Phenomena, timelines may be expressed in hours or days, rather than femtoseconds or attoseconds.

As a verb, one may ‘Heisenwhack’ a unique result by displaying it for Google to find (thereby spawning a second result). The noun ‘Heisenwhack’ refers to the page or citation that causes such dilution.

The Heisenwhack Compensator … is easy to use. To find pages that contain your word pair, while excluding other pages that mention this topic, add ‘-googlewhack’ to your query. Google will exclude pages containing that ‘subtracted’ term from your results.”