I saw a link to Singlefile sometime last week. I visited the site and poked for a minute, but I didn’t really look at it. Then I saw another link to Singlefile on a different site. I visited again for a second, but couldn’t really see why it was such a big deal. Tonight I saw another link to Singlefile. Finally I read the page and learned what Singlefile is. Singlefile is it. Singlefile is the best thing to happen on line since Blogger.
My flabber is gasted.
A LIS student’s dream come true! Wonderful! I am now a member, of course. Thanks David!
OK…you have me hooked now too.
I googled my way here, following Singlefile–it’s a fantastic idea BUT it’s hard to get a response. I started with a 500 book limit (knew the free 25 wouldn’t give me a real idea), but I haven’t been able toadd new books over the last month or so because I can’t get an upgrade.