The Superior Court of California has a terrific web site. I have no idea what possessed them to use *images* instead of *text* for all their links, though. That’s just plain stupid. But … I was able to pay my latest traffic citation on line, which was very nice.

This is an automated response from the Los Angeles Superior Court’s
On-Line Traffic Information System. If you have questions or require
additional information regarding your citation, please call (213)742-1884
between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM Monday through Friday and select the option to
speak to an operator.

Your request to make payment for the amount of $xxx.00 has been processed for Citation Number XXXXX. Thank you for using the Los Angeles Superior Court’s On-Line Traffic Information System.

Ha entrado a una respuesta automatizada del Sistema de Información de Tráfico en Línea del Tribunal Superior de Los Ángeles. Si tiene preguntas o necesita información adicional sobre su citatorio judicial, por favor llame al (213)742-1884 de 8:00 a.m. a 4:30 p.m., de lunes a viernes, y seleccione la opción para hablar con una operadora.

Se ha procesado su solicitud para pagar la cantidad de $xxx.00 para el citatorio número XXXX. Gracias por usar el Sistema de Información de Tráfico en Línea del Tribunal Superior de Los Ángeles.