I just thought I’d post a few notes about the minor design changes I’ve made here recently.

You may have noticed the addition of mini-icons below each post. These link to what I call the “blogdata” items of each entry. They can be used for permalinking, Google-searching, commenting, and sending a link to the entry.

I’ve changed the way “the good stuff” blog works, too. “The good stuff” blog is the top ten list in the sidebar over there. If you click-and-drag the link at the top of the list (the one that says “the good stuff”) onto your menu bar, you’ll be able to use that as a side-panel Internet Explorer widget similar to the IE-embedded search panel and history panel.

I created a new blog – Media Obsessions – where I hope to review movies, books, and other bits of consumerism capiltalist pig-dog fun. The new blog has the Song of the Moment blog in its sidebar, so I may decide to just kill that blog and only let it live as a sidebar blog (like “the good stuff”). I was able to do that using the nifty little “offset” tag now available in MovableType 2.0.

I’m also considering posting the OceanBlog into that great blog graveyard in the sky. It hasn’t been visited in months and just about nobody ever posts anything there besides me. I’ve been reluctant to kill it because I haven’t figured a way to archive all the pre-MT entries, but when I do it’ll likely disappear.