I’m really much more interested in this for its possible application elsewhere, but I just found this niftiest of little buttons from Emergent Music. Trés hep.
Click the “read more …” link to see it in action.

Uncovering the Undiscovered
Watch what happens when you let your mouse hover over the button. It should display a list of songs and links to downloadable mp3, ram, or RA files.
Note to MT users: I’ve funked with the code a bit from what is given on the Emergent Music page to get the button to flow with my design. I changed the style=”position:absolute” to a style=”float:left” so that I could place the button in this post. I also placed the script tags inside this entry as well, rather than in the main page template. The location script – the one that is supposed to go “before the </body> tag” is in the additional entry for this post. There’s a link to a stylesheet in the code they give you, and I’ll probably look into redirecting that so I can define the pop-up window myself.
Please let me know if you have any problems seeing the button or the links.