Well that was fun. Way back in March I implemented the PowerLinks MT hack from scottandrew.com. When I upgraded to MT2.11 I lost the hack, of course. So I re-hacked it. I played with it a bit and added a few more features.

  • One thing I have wanted to do since day one was add the same PowerLinks to my bookmarklet, since that’s how I post 3/4 of the time anyway. So I did that by editing bm_entry.tmpl a bit.
  • I hacked around with the end of edit_entry.tmpl so that I could use the PowerLinks in the “Additional Entry” section as well as the “Main Entry Text” box.
  • I changed some of the formatting (width=”whatever” to width=”50%”) so that the buttons wouldn’t be aligned too far to the right of the textboxes.
  • And finally I added a new PowerLink button to automatically link to a specific item at Amazon.com instead of just a search for the item.

Amazing, I know, but it all works perfectly. If anyone is interested I’ll see if Scott minds if I write a quick and dirty tutorial about how I did it. Mr. Andrew certainly deserves all the credit for it, though.