By far the most exciting part of Friday night was when a woman’s head burst into flames. It was 80s night at The Burbank Bar & Grill and the poor girl experienced the unfortunate combination of incredibly too much hair spray and close proximity to a candle on the bar. My friend and I were discussing the relative merits (or lack thereof) of 80s music tribute bands when suddenly a woman a few feet away from us was consumed in a flaming hairball. It was, I’m ashamed to admit, hysterically funny.

Oh don’t worry, she was unharmed. I’m sure she’ll think twice before she decides to go big hair to an 80s bar next time. We likely found it funnier than it really was because we had recently finished consuming several beers at Gitanas. (Please note that the beers at Gitanas are served in manly, hefty, literally-make-your-arm-sore 84oz thick glass mugs.) We watched the Lakers win on one of the 200 or so humungous televisions there. I’d never really partied with elementary school teachers (and a vice principal) so it was pretty entertaining.

My friend and I could only appreciate the M-80s, the tribute band, for so long. So we left The BBG and headed for the Blue Room. That was a truly hip spot. It’s very small, and apparently it’s been operating since the 50s. It’s exactly what you would expect of a 1950s nightclub in Burbank, if that tells you anything.

Oh, and Monday night I went to see another friend play guitar at a cool little spot called 14below in Santa Monica. That’s a great pub close to the beach. My buddy played an amazing set, too, so it was fun.