My Handspring Visor is on le fritz. This is not good. But it does give me the opportunity to share a very nifty design aspect that you might not have noticed. If you need to reset your Visor, there is a little tiny hole in the back which conceals a little tiny button. In order to push this button you have to have a little tiny pin or bent paper clip or something. It’s not so easy to do. I have been, for the last year or so, using one of my earrings as a button-pusher. Of course that means I have to remove and replace an earring which is also not the easiest thing in the world to do.

So you can imagine how thrilled I was when I realized that the tip of my Visor’s stylus is unscrewable! And when you detach it, there is – lo and behold! – a perfectly-sized tip for resetting the darn thing! Great Caesar’s Ghost! How cool is that?!

[Update: The Palm Pilot stylus also has a hidden reset-tip. It can be found by unscrewing the top of the stylus (instead of the tip).]