This is quite funny. From Robyn came the idea to do a Google search on “David is“.
Here are the top ten eleven things David is, according to Google:

  1. David is … the devil.
  2. David is … burning.
  3. David is … triumphant over Goliath.
  4. David is … currently a hot property in the character actor business.
  5. David is … science editor for Parade Magazine, and writes the column “Science on Parade.”
  6. David is … currently hard at work, creating another sonic universe for Ascension, Karim Hussain’s upcoming feature film.
  7. David is … kind to Mephibosheth.
  8. David is … the symbol most commonly associated with Judaism today.
  9. David is … presently on secondment to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), where he is Director of the Information Technology Office.
  10. David is … a big WWF and WCW fan and enjoys the company of Kevin Nash.
  11. David is … considered by peers to be the world’s leading authority on raw food nutrition.