Posts from February 2005

Semenchanted Evening

A legal battle over reproduction

So I took a stab at creating a header image. I used that crazy haettenschweiler font. I wanted to use the American Idiot font, but I could only find cheesy imitations and not “the real thing” in my five-minute Google hunt for it. This is actually the first time there’s ever been a header image on — amazing when you consider this site’s been chugging along for over five years now. I just got an email and a gift certificate from dreamhost to congratulate me on my four-year anniversary with them.

Is There Anybody Out There?

What are the chances that after two+ years of little-to-no posting that anybody will be interested in visiting this site again? I’m guessing pretty slim. In my defense: I’ve been extraordinarily busy. Poor here was also deluged with about 100 spam comments each day, which is one of the main reasons I finally switched

What Is This? is the personal weblog of me, David Vincent Gagne. I've been publishing here since 1999, which makes this one of the oldest continuously-updated websites on the Internet.

A few years ago I was trying to determine what cocktails I could make with the alcohol I had at home. I searched the App Store but couldn't find an app that would let me do that, so I built one.


You can read dozens of essays and articles and find hundreds of links to other sites with stories and information about Ernest Hemingway in The Hemingway Collection.