I wanted to add nifty little Amazon links to my posting window … so I did. Grab my zipped version of quicktags.js and you can, too. This is the javascript file that builds the row of buttons above your posting window (e.g. str, em, del, etc.) My version adds two buttons: one for quick-linking to an item at Amazon via its ASIN and one for quick-linking to an Amazon search.

Amazon ASIN LinkAmazon Search

If your site blows up, don’t come crying to me.

Just replace the version of quicktags.js that is in your wp-admin folder (moved to wp-includes/js since WordPress 2.04) with the one in my zip file and stick the images in wp-images. If your site blows up, don’t come crying to me. You’re hacking now, kid. It’s pretty straight-forward, though, and if you’re slick enough to understand what I’m typing here you’re most likely slick enough to get it to work without breaking anything. I added a variable to the top of the .js file so you can use your own Amazon associates id. Feel free to use mine, of course — I love cash.

I’ve included the two images in the zip file, so please don’t hard-link to my site for them.

WordPress is just really amazing. I am loving it!

From the “Give Credit Where Credit Is Due Department”: Original concept via Scott Andrew