Bananas!Here’s something that’s been nagging at me lately: Why don’t you ever see commercials for fruits and vegetables? I realize that apples and bananas and squash aren’t really all that sexy, and the mega-corporations that sell them all — Dole, etc. — do some vague advertising for their processed products (like OJ and pineapple chunks). But where are the celebrity endorsements? It seems like every other day there’s a new report on how damn fat everyone is. The government blows money like a drunk at a strip club on pointless crap like invading other countries and getting boneheads elected to office. Why don’t the people running this country shell out a few bucks for a tomato ad to run during Fear Factor? Wouldn’t it be great to see Paris Hilton being sexy peeling a banana? How many little American chubbies would skip Taco Bell and grab an apple if Tom Cruise popped into prime time to say how cool it was to eat one? Just a thought …