Okay, Dean got me into this. The idea is to share five things about yourself that people may not know, then tag five bloggers so they can rinse, lather and repeat.

I was tagged by Speaking Freely, who was tagged by MarketingGuy, who was tagged by Aaron Shear, who was tagged by Avinash Kaushik. The game was started by Jeff Pulver.

I’m going to pass it on to Kelly, Josh, Sunil, Steve, and Mikey.

(It’s been a long, long time since I joined a meme.)

So here are five things you may not know about me:

  1. I was a contestant on — and won — The Weakest Link.
  2. After college I worked for a human bone processing company.
  3. I was a huge fan of Remington Steele.
  4. I sat two-seat for the University of Florida Varsity Crew.
  5. I have been on every mile of I-10 from Jacksonville, Florida to Santa Monica, CA and I-95 from Miami, Florida to Maine.