When my mom was in college she had a part-time job as an usher at a movie theater. The only film shown the entire time she worked there was The Sound of Music. She must have seen it hundreds of times. I’ve caught pieces and bits of it over the years, but have never actually seen the whole thing. All I know is that it’s about a nanny and Nazis. Whatever. My mom always has had a soft spot for Julie Andrews, so it’s little surprise that one of my all-time favorite movies as a kid was Mary Poppins. I loved the singing. I loved the songs. I loved Dick Van Dyke as a chimney sweep. (I think there were penguins, too.)

This morning I found a link on TheBrad’s site to a story about Julie Andrews participating in a promotion for The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. I mean, even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious, how great is is that the word they gave her was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? (video)

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