French FriesThere’s been a lot of blog buzz this morning about a page displaying the difference between what you ordered and what you get at fast food places. If you’ve ever had the misfortune of being in the car with me on a trip through a fast-food drive-through, you know that this is a subject near and dear to my heart. I do not care how many cars are in line behind me. I do not care that you are only making minimum wage. I do not care what your franchise policy is. When I order super size french fries, you better give me super size french fries. I want it to look just like it looks on the big menu ten yards behind my car. I’m paying you two dollars for about eight cents worth of potatoes. Do not $*&# with me on this.

Also: It is amazing that a Google image search for “french fries” returns so much porn. Who knew?