Gator capI have way, way too many Gator hats. I’ll admit this. It’s a problem. This one, though, is one of my absolute favorites. My friend Ryan gave it to me about a year ago and I have worn it to death. I’ve been trying to find another one and am looking for help. There is a URL plastered all over the inside of it for, the home of Zephyr hats, but their site is terrible. (If this site isn’t a perfect example of Flash gone bad, I don’t know what is.)

I’ve determined that the model is the Hype, but cannot find the same one anywhere on the ‘net. There was one for sale at at some point, but no more. I posted a plea to twitter after the LSU game and fellow Gator Leia found a similar cap, but I’d really prefer one without the orange highlights. If anyone has any leads, please do drop me a line.