Posts from January 2009

How to Subscribe to RSS Feeds in Mac OS X

How to Subscribe to RSS Feeds in Mac OS X

At one point I was doing my best to try to read over 100 different blogs each day. It was, in addition to unbelievably time-consuming, very frustrating when I’d see that some large percentage hadn’t been updated since the last time I’d checked. Enter RSS. RSS stands for “real simple syndication”. What does that mean?

Stewart Mandel on Tim Tebow

Stewart Mandel on Tim Tebow

In this week’s College Football Mailbag, Stewart Mandel addresses fans who complain of ‘Tebow Fatigue’. I did not see the Fox telecast of the game, but … unless those guys inferred Tebow literally does leap over tall buildings in a single bound, I’m guessing everything they said is absolutely true. I’ll admit it: I’m

Things to Say During Sex has a wonderful flowchart of Things to Say During Sex. The “bad” side of the chart is predictably much funnier than the “good” side. My favorites are: Heil Hitler! I just pooped. A lot. On your dog. We’re going to hell for this.

iTunes Plus

I like the idea of iTunes Plus. DRM is lame and so ’90s. So the fact that Apple is now allowing me to get DRM-free tracks is great. But why in the world do they insist I upgrade my entire library in one fell swoop? I’m not going to shell out $200 for music I’ve

Movies in 2008

Movies in 2008

You say you want an alphabetized list of all the movies I saw in 2008? I can do that.



I only managed 6.7 miles, today, and since I skipped my 5-miler on Wednesday, that means I’m a little bit under par for the year so far. But the Gators won their second BCS Championship tonight (in three years) so I’m cutting myself some slack. Go Gators!

iTunes Arrow Hack

I just found a super cool iTunes trick at the Unofficial Apple Weblog: If you hold the option key while you click on the little arrows next to artists and albums, it will take you to your library’s collection for that item instead of to the iTunes store.

Running Playlist

Running Playlist

My five-mile time last night was 47:16. That’s not exactly stellar, but I’ll take it. Thirty miles down, 1,795 to go. I have a playlist on my Nano with about 75 songs on it. They’re all great “running” songs, either because of the tempo or just because they’re motivational. Here are the tracks I heard



In which he sets an unrealistic goal

What Is This? is the personal weblog of me, David Vincent Gagne. I've been publishing here since 1999, which makes this one of the oldest continuously-updated websites on the Internet.

A few years ago I was trying to determine what cocktails I could make with the alcohol I had at home. I searched the App Store but couldn't find an app that would let me do that, so I built one.


You can read dozens of essays and articles and find hundreds of links to other sites with stories and information about Ernest Hemingway in The Hemingway Collection.