I completed Phase I of the Velocity Diet with my fifth shake on Sunday night. (I’ll write my review of Week Four soon.) I guess the guys at T-Nation are pretty good with their calculations, because I had barely enough Metabolic Drive shake mix to last me exactly through Phase I. By Monday morning I was forced to borrow from Kelly to make my shakes until my FedEx shipment arrived today.
Kelly thinks I’m out of my mind — which is probably true — because I ordered six jugs of chocolate and two of strawberry for Phase I. He insisted that I was going to be sick of chocolate shakes after 140-something of them. But that was simply not the case. In fact I was actually quite annoyed every time I had a strawberry shake, and I positively hated the banana ones I borrowed from him for Monday and Sunday night.
Today’s shipment was three jugs of chocolate and one of banana. (Unfortunately I placed my order before I realized how little I was going to like the banana shakes.) Now that I’m two days into Phase II, there are only four shakes to consume each day because we get a healthy solid meal once each day. Last night we went to Emilio’s in Encino and I had The World’s Best Chicken Piccata™, extra crispy, with a side of broccoli and steamed spinach, and half a side of penne bolognese. It was heavenly.
And today I am back to drinking chocolate shakes. Next week we get two HSMs each day, which seems ridiculously gluttonous to me. Two solid meals per day? Who eats that much?
And on the menu tonight: turkey tacos on whole wheat tortillas with fresh pico de gallo and some lowfat cheese. Some work of vegetable side, and a big-ass spinach salad to start with. Dessert: an apple. Can not WAIT.
Could you maybe make a shake with two-thirds chocolate and one-third banana? Ooh, and maybe some ice cream…