The Velocity DietI completed Phase I of the Velocity Diet with my fifth shake on Sunday night. (I’ll write my review of Week Four soon.) I guess the guys at T-Nation are pretty good with their calculations, because I had barely enough Metabolic Drive shake mix to last me exactly through Phase I. By Monday morning I was forced to borrow from Kelly to make my shakes until my FedEx shipment arrived today.

Kelly thinks I’m out of my mind — which is probably true — because I ordered six jugs of chocolate and two of strawberry for Phase I. He insisted that I was going to be sick of chocolate shakes after 140-something of them. But that was simply not the case. In fact I was actually quite annoyed every time I had a strawberry shake, and I positively hated the banana ones I borrowed from him for Monday and Sunday night.

Metabolic DriveToday’s shipment was three jugs of chocolate and one of banana. (Unfortunately I placed my order before I realized how little I was going to like the banana shakes.) Now that I’m two days into Phase II, there are only four shakes to consume each day because we get a healthy solid meal once each day. Last night we went to Emilio’s in Encino and I had The World’s Best Chicken Piccata™, extra crispy, with a side of broccoli and steamed spinach, and half a side of penne bolognese. It was heavenly.

And today I am back to drinking chocolate shakes. Next week we get two HSMs each day, which seems ridiculously gluttonous to me. Two solid meals per day? Who eats that much?