We had dinner last night at Cynthia’s Restaurant 3 (blog) on 3rd Street in Hollywood. (I am coming down the home stretch here of the Velocity Diet and get to have one HSM each day.) I have to tell you: If it wasn’t for my meal, I’d say this was a terrific place to eat. Everyone else had a tremendous dinner; mine was just so-so. But I made the mistake of ordering steak at a place that’s become famous for their Southern Fried Chicken, which was simply a bad idea.

Everyone else had a tremendous dinner.

My gorgeous date and her father split a plate of the signature dinner and I had a single bite. It was amazing, easily the best fried chicken I’ve ever had. The breasts were very lightly breaded and then “flash-fried” so they were not greasy at all. It was served with string beans and mashed potatoes which also looked delicious. The other entree at our table was a tortilla-encrusted tilapia covered in a mango sauce that knocked your taste buds into next week.

I, however, made the unfortunate choice of getting a ribeye and I was sorely disappointed. My salad was excellent and I had high hopes, but my entree was just a depressing cut of meat smothered in a forgettable sauce. It was mostly fat and gristle and I almost sent it back to the kitchen. Lesson learned I guess.

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