Dexia Rack Laptop StandMy mom got me a Dexia Rack a few years ago as a gift. I had seen one at a bookstore on the University of Florida campus while visiting Gainesville and said that it looked pretty cool. So of course my mom noted that and got me one for Christmas or my birthday months later. (Moms pay attention to that sort of thing.) It’s simply a terrific laptop stand. When folded it easily fits in a briefcase or book bag alongside your computer, and it weighs next to nothing. When opened it’s perfect for working in bed and keeping your laptop off your legs.

It looks like they’re no longer manufacturing the model I have, but you might be able to find one on eBay or something. If you’ve been thinking about getting a laptop stand, skip all the ones with stuffing and cushions or wooden trays and get this aluminum frame beauty.

And thanks, mom!