It’s when you can’t hear the bats, that’s when the bats are coming.

That is what is printed on the front of the birthday card I received from my brother-in-law. On the inside it says, “Other than that, I have no birthday advice.”

Because I don’t think that is enough to convey just how much he makes me laugh, I’d also like to share with you the personal note he included.

To say that we are thankful to have you in our lives goes only a short distance to express how grateful and blessed we feel. We wish for you all the best life has to offer. May this year be full of success, love, and happiness, and may it be the first of many more to come … That is, of course, unless the machines rise up against us. If that is the case, then may your life be filled with joy until that point, and may your death be swift and painless. Though, I’ve heard those damn robots enjoy the sounds of human suffering. Sons of bitches won’t take me without a fight! Anyway … Happy Birthday!!!