A long time ago I realized that it’s going to be impossible for me to read every book I want to read before I die. Fortunately that hasn’t stopped me from giving it the ol’ college try. As I get older I find that I spend more time watching television and the computer than I do reading, which is mildly disappointing. But I still manage to knock off about a book each week, and I tore through five on my last trip to Maui. My bedside table is quickly becoming lost as new tomes stack on it, obscuring it like kudzu, so I’m going to do my best to get through this list before football season starts this Fall.

Here’s what’s currently sitting patiently waiting for me, in no particular order. If you’ve loaned me a book recently — or if you’re wondering why I haven’t mentioned anything about the book you gave me as a present — this should explain why it’s taking me so damn long…