- General Stuff
- Your body wasn’t built to last: a lesson from human mortality rates is fascinating.
- If you go through life free of bad habits, you won’t live forever, but it will feel like it.
- Top Ten Favorite Numbers
- I guess if hanging out with beautiful women, on the beach, in Spain, drinking, on a Tuesday afternoon, while being ridiculously rich is your definition of “cool”, then… yeah, being Leonardo diCaprio is probably fun.
- When you’re old, you have to have something to give you pleasure.
- So what does all this mean if you’re ambidextrous?
- I read Men’s Health and Sports Illustrated all the time. I never read Time or Newsweek. This is why.
- I can’t see any special effects, but I find it hard to believe that this amazing waterslide jump real.
- Coke vs. Pepsi: The truth about the logos.
- About a decade ago I worked for a company that did “every-other-Friday-off” and I thought it was extraordinary.
- Techie Stuff
- The Smoking Gun catches a loser.
- Apple releases Mac OSX 10.5.8 update. If you have a Mac, click the little Apple logo in the top left and choose “Software Update…” to update your system. (This means you, mom.)
- To keep the Google Analytics code from interfering with page rendering you can use jQuery to load and execute the ga.js file.
- PHP comes with a bunch of functions designed to help you manage URLs.
- And speaking of URLs… Comcast will now send you to a crap spam page if you type an URL incorrectly.
- Gator Stuff
- Urban Meyer: This is it.
- The University of Tennessee has some serious issues.
- Welcome back, Riley!
- College Football Preseason Top 25 Power Rankings: Cheerleader Edition
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