Posts from September 2009

Breaking News: The Wisconsin Tourism Federation (WTF) decided to change its name to the Tourism Federation of Wisconsin.

  • Gisele who?
  • So you think you can jump rope?
    Ed. This link to no longer works.
  • Maxim’s list of 100 Twitter Accounts Every Guy Should Follow isn’t completely terrible.
  • From the “I Could Have Told You That Department”: Flirting is good for your health.
  • Tufts University: You may not engage in sexual activity while your roommate is present in the room.
  • The woman who inspired the classic Beatles song Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds has died at the age of 46.
  • Usain Bolt vs. ESPN employees, 100m (Spoiler? Bolt wins.)
  • Dirpy is a website that allows you to convert YouTube videos to mp3.
  • Wikipedia has a list of unrecovered black boxes.
  • Who knew vacuum cleaners could make such lovely art?
  • Snooth is a social networking site for wine lovers.
  • Funny: How To Send Email
  • I find it hard to believe that Sunset Blvd “hasn’t been repaved since LA County replaced the dirt road with concrete in the ’30s,” but I find it even harder to believe that we’re going to spend $7M to improve it. It’s just about the only road in Los Angeles that isn’t littered with potholes. I love cruising on Sunset right now, while almost any other road in the city is in deplorable condition.


Former Notre Dame head coach and current ESPN college football analyst Bob Davie was a guest on Mike & Mike in the Morning today talking about the Kentucky game. It was the first time I heard any talking head discussing the absurd ‘should Tebow have been benched prior to the injury’ debate who had actually

Tennessee @ Florida Post-Game

Tennessee @ Florida Post-Game

The Gators found themselves in a typical, physical SEC battle against a well-prepared Tennessee team. Meyer said all week he thought the game would be a “fourth-quarter dogfight.” Florida fans wanted blood. They got sweat. And nearly tears. If the Vols (1-2, 0-1 SEC) had a serviceable quarterback, they might have defeated the most-hyped team



Update: Want to know more about the Florida / Tennessee rivalry? Read Hate Week, by EDSBS If you’re a college football fan you really should take a look at this sweet list of iPhone apps for the pigskin crowd. On Saturday in the Swamp, Tim Tebow has a chance to join UF’s Danny Wuerffel and

Welcome to Los Angeles

It’s hard to believe, but today is the nine-year anniversary of the day I arrived in Los Angeles. At the time I really had no idea I’d stay for so long. And yet here I am still. Life’s funny like that.

What Is This? is the personal weblog of me, David Vincent Gagne. I've been publishing here since 1999, which makes this one of the oldest continuously-updated websites on the Internet.

A few years ago I was trying to determine what cocktails I could make with the alcohol I had at home. I searched the App Store but couldn't find an app that would let me do that, so I built one.


You can read dozens of essays and articles and find hundreds of links to other sites with stories and information about Ernest Hemingway in The Hemingway Collection.