The excellent local blog CurbedLA had an entry recently on artist Mark Bennett’s blueprints of fictional places. He has created very detailed floor-plans of famous pretend places, like the homes of George and Jane Jetson, Rob and Laura Petrie, and June and Ward Cleaver. (There’s a book, too!) I thought these were terrific so I posted a link to MetaFilter.
The community there posted several links to shops that sell real-world goods for made-up companies and places. Last Exit to Nowhere is a site where you can get a Nakatomi Corporation (Die Hard) or Wally World (Vacation) t-shirt. (They also sell an Amity Police hat that I simply must have.) And Found Item Clothing sells clothes that people wear in movies; You can get the I *heart* Toxic Waste t-shirt that Knight wears in Real Genius, for example, or a Cobra Kai All Valley Champ ’84 shirt from Karate Kid.
My sister has huge blow-ups of several of these blueprints in her home: Fred and Wilma Flintstones, Gilligan’s island, etc. They’re awesome.