- Not many things are cooler than Johnny Depp reading a letter from Hunter S. Thompson.
- The Zodiac Killer! Grey goo! There are all sorts of creepy Wikipedia articles.
- The team @Flip has done it again. They are just killing in the video recorder market. Their new product — the Flip SlideHD — is incredible. It shoots 4 hours of HD video and has a touchscreen. (via The Awesomer)
- Phil Mickelson visited Krispy Kreme, wearing his spiffy new green jacket.
- The best Twitter exchange of the year has got to go to Aimee Mann and Ice T.
- I don’t subscribe to Scientific American, but I always grab it in airport bookstores. My favorite recurring feature is the one that details an interesting article from 50, 100, and 150 years ago. So it was with some pleasure that I discovered that the author of one of my favorite blogs, Ironic Sans, has recently started publishing Sunday Magazine. Every Friday he posts the most interesting articles from the New York Times Sunday Magazine from 100 years ago that weekend. Trés cool.
- The towel-folding robot is just more proof that I am going to get to meet C-3PO (or at least R2-D2) in my lifetime.
#c-3po #dailydavid #hunter s. thompson #johnny depp #krispy kreme #magazines #new york times #phil mickelson #r2-d2 #robots #scientific american #the masters #twitter #video #weblinks #wikipedia#april-2010