Raylan Givens has a friend named after an Irish pub in Los Angeles.

Tom Bergin’s on Justified

One of the best shows on TV right now is Justified on FX. It stars Timothy Olyphant as the Elmore Leonard character Raylan Givens and it has quite a cult following. If you’re not watching it, you really should be.

Los Angeles Irish pubThe show is set in Harlan County, Kentucky, but — like almost everything you watch — filmed primarily in southern California. One of the recurring characters is State Trooper Tom Bergin, played by Peter Murnik.

What you might not know, and what I find very hard to believe is a complete coincidence, is that just about the best Irish pub in Los Angeles is Tom Bergin’s. So every time Murnik appears my wife and I chuckle a little at what we assume to be an inside joke on the part of the show’s screenwriters.

See also: Wikipedia, IMDB

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