OrangeI did not feel like getting out of bed this morning, much less running. I don’t know if I caught some sort of flu or just a cold or what, but I had a nasty scratch in the back of my throat every time I swallowed, and my head felt thick and cloudy. But rather than hit the snooze button and head back to dreamland, I pulled on my running shoes and hit the road, Jack.

Maybe, I thought, getting my heart pumping and producing some endorphins and all that jazz will help me knock myself back into shape. And I think it worked. By the time I got back to the house, dripping with sweat and heart-pounding, I felt much better. After some Greek yogurt with granola, a bowl of raisin bran, a half grapefruit, an orange, a tall glass of orange juice, a half-gallon of ice water, and a coffee, I felt fantastic.



Here are the songs I heard while running: