Truth, Justice, and the American WayI knocked out a quick four miles after watching all the drama in Boston on Friday night. I spent most of the run thinking about Miranda rights and terrorism and democracy. And when I wasn’t thinking about those things I was thinking about how much I wished I could talk to my mom about those things.

Mom loved this country so much. It sounds funny to write it, but she was a huge fan of the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence, and — I can’t really think of a better way to say it — Truth, Justice, and the American Way. I found a letter she wrote to President Obama on her old computer which I’ll publish to her website one day, I’m sure. She truly believed in America, and I’m very happy that it’s something she passed to me.

Here are the songs I heard while running:

  • Mr. ChainsawAlkaline Trio
  • Welcome to the JungleGuns N’ Roses
    I don’t think I’ve ever heard this song while running; at first I skipped it because I couldn’t imagine the beat would work, but then I gave it another chance and it’s not too bad.
  • (F)lannigan’s BallDropkick Murphys
  • Life in Technicolor iiColdplay
  • Eye of the TigerSurvivor
    Ha! This reminds me that I need to tag Rocky’s Theme (Gonna Fly Now) so it starts cycling into my running playlist.
  • SinnermanSimone, Nina
    This is creeping its way into being one of my top five favorite running songs. The beat is perfect.
  • Spectacular ViewsRilo Kiley
    I love this song so much it hurts. The title of this post is from it.