If your hard drive is low on space, a good place to look for things to jettison is your iTunes library. Lots of music files are large because the songs they contain are very long — Alice’s Restaurant Massacree clocks in at over eighteen minutes! — or because they’re encoded using AAC or the Apple Lossless Encoder instead of MP3. But if you’ve been indiscriminately adding tracks to your library for years, you might be wasting a ton of space saving songs you’re never going to hear.

Here’s a smart playlist you can use to ferret out those disk hogs:

Playlist Large

iTunesWe’re setting the Media Kind to Music because movies and music videos and podcasts are often gigantic, and we’re only interested in cleaning music files for now. And we don’t want to include any tracks rated with four or five stars, because those are awesome songs you don’t want to delete. Sort the playlist by least recently played so that you can find things that you haven’t played in a long time, if ever. That’s about the long and the short of it. You can set the size limit to anything, but 10MB is pretty large and will reveal most of the serious offenders.